Why You Really Hurt, It All Starts in the Foot by Dr. Burton S. Shuler
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Why You Really Hurt

It All Starts in the foot

by Dr. Burton S. Shuler

Advanced Treatments

Type I

By definition the only treatment for Type I diabetes, is the on going injection(s) of insulin. Before Insulin was discovered in the early 1920's by two Canadians, Frederick Grant Banting and Charles H.Best, most people with IDDM died within a short time of getting Diabetes because the "beta cells" of their pancreas were destroyed. Please remember insulin is not a cure for diabetes. Beside the insulin, patients with Type I diabetes must also follow a specific personalized diet, with daily checking of blood sugar, and of course exercise.

Type II

In NIDD you have less insulin than the normal person, because even though the pancreas is producing some insulin, via its working "beta cells" there is too little of it (insulin) for your body to work properly.
The aim of the treatment for those with Type II is to supplement the amount of insulin that is already in your body in order to prevent a full blown case of diabetes from occurring. The basic preventive technique like Type I, is to diet, exercise, and check your glucose level. Many Type II patient's also have to take pills called "oral hypoglycemic agents" to lower their sugar level, by exciting the beta cells in the panaceas to make more insulin.
If is vital to keep control of your NIDDM/Type II diabetes. If not, over a period of time you will be prone to having any and or all of the following symptoms; cold hands and feet, burning and/or numbness of the feet or hands, poor vision, increased thirst, increased urination, and sores that are slow healing or won't heal.


Diabetes is a multiple system disease. This means it is affecting many parts of your body at the same time. You must get the right person to handle the specific part of your body. Besides your family doctor you may want to be under the care of a diabetic specialist called an endocrinologist. He is a doctor who spends most of his day dealing with diabetics. I would encourage all patients especially Type I, to see an endocrinologist at least once to evaluate your condition, unless you are already under the care of an internist, and there appears to be no problems in your treatment. Other members of this team would be a kidney specialist, and eye specialist, and a foot specialist. Also if you are having an on going problem with your diet, an dietitian would be of great use.
Thousands of people live long, totally normal lives with Diabetes, but it does depend on how well they take care of themselves.

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