Dr. Burton S. Schuler, Army wasting millions on March fractures

Dr. Dudley Morton 1935 book The Human Foot
Dr. Burton S. Schuler, a foot doctor, foot specialist (Podiatrist), who specializes of Panama City Fl, believes that the U.S. military is missing the boat when it comes to a common foot problem known as a march fracture. Dr. Schuler is a leading expert on the medical condition known as the Morton’s Toe (Long Second Toe) . He is the author of the new book about the Morton’s Toe (Long Second Toe), Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot. He feels that the Morton’s Toe is the real reason for thousand of cases of March Fracture a year in that the military is missing. In fact, Schuler feel that the Morton’s Toe, (Long Second Toe) is one of the most overlooked reasons why people suffer everyday with pains all over their body.
What is a March Fracture or Stress fracture
A March Fracture is a spontaneous breaking of a bone, caused by excessive abnormal stress applied to that bone. The second metatarsal bone is most common bone this fracture takes place at. Normally the patient will first have some pain over the top of the foot, with or without swelling. An x-ray may even appear normal.
In the military, these fractures are known as “March Fractures”. When a service man goes on marches, some of them end up with fractures of their second or third metatarsal bones for no apparent reason.
In the civilian world, a stress fracture is the same thing as the march fracture except it is caused by day-in day-out stress applied upon the metatarsal bone and not by marching. I have found that dancing, jogging and golfing many times will cause it.
How a Morton’s Toe, causes March Fractures
A Morton’s Toe, (Long Second Toe) means having either had a short or hypermobile first metatarsal bone. If you have a either of these problems, the poor lesser metatarsal bone, especially the second, has a lot more stress and strain put on it than the normal foot would have because the first metatarsal bone is not working right. Imagine you have a Morton’s Toe, and you are constantly going on long marches with a 60 pound pack on your back. Soon or later there is a good chance that the poor unfortunate second metatarsal bone would break from the constant stress put upon it.
Dr. Schuler says
“After 35 years of treating these problems as a foot doctor, I absolutely believe that military men/women, who get March fractures, also have a Morton’s Toe, (Long Second Toe) the vast majority of time.”
“I would bet anything that if the x-rays were re-examined of the men, who got a March fracture it would show that the majority of them also had a Morton’s Toe. It would be of great benefit to our armed forces for the military doctors to consider this relationship between the first metatarsal bone and march fracture, and treat it before it happens”
Schuler goes on to say
If they did, two things would occur:
1. the number of march fractures would drop markedly and
2. all of the thousands and thousands of cases of various foot, back, leg, neck, and hip problems associated with the Morton’s Toe would also decrease, saving our country millions of dollars spent in treating members of our armed forces”
Finally Dr. Schuler says
“I can prove it. Does every GI, airmen, seamen or marine get a march fracture after going on repeated 60 miles hikes with full gear”?
Then why do some do? The answer is because they either have had a short or hypermobile first metatarsal bone (Morton’s Toe,). It is that simple. The good news is these problems can be prevented with a simple pad inside the shoe, first written about in 1927
More About The Morton’s Toe, and Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot
In the 1920’s and 1930″s Dr. Dudley J. Morton of Yale Medical School and Columbia Medical School wrote that a problem with the 1st metatarsal bone, known as a Morton’s Toe could be the reason for most foot problems. Dr. Janet Travel, White House physician to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and Professor Emeritus of Medicine at George Washington University took this concept further by writing and teaching that the Morton’s Toe could cause pain all over your body. She wrote and taught for four decades that a Morton’s Toe could cause back, hip, knee, leg foot and ankles problems. She felt that the Morton’s Toe, was so important that at the age of 89 she made a video tape to teach other physicians about how to recognize it and how to treat it.
Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts in the Foot tells the story of these two famous physicians and their association with the common, but painful, medical condition known as the Morton’s Toe. Millions of people suffer everyday with chronic aches and pains from head to toe and don’t know why. Many of them have lost all hope, and believe they will have to live with these pains for the rest of their lives. The book is significant because for the first time in seventy years the public is made aware of the importance of the Morton’s Toe (Long Second Toe) , and the fact that could be the real unidentified reason (the “medical missing link”) for their unending torments. This book will also show how Morton’s Toe can also cause fibromyalgia, arthritis, sleep disturbances (RLS), temporomandibular joint pain, and numerous other problems through out the body The good news is that all of these problems can be treated with a simple pad that costs about two to three dollars. The bad news is that in spite of the fact that two of the most famous doctors of the twentieth century were behind the Morton’s Toe, most modern day physicians are not aware of Morton’s Toe or of it ability of causing pain all over the body. This book took six years to research and write, but Dr. Schuler feels it was worth it because it should be able to help many people get out of pain. The book is disturbed national by the Cardinal Publishing Group. It will be translated to Greek this Year.
About the Author: Dr. Burton S. Schuler foot doctor, foot specialist, podiatrist of Panama City, Fl and the director of the Ambulatory Foot Clinics Podiatric Pain Management Center and is a leading authority on the Morton’s Toe, Long Second Toe and it associated problems. He is the author of the newly published book about The Morton’s Toe, Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In the Foot The book is published by the La Luz Press, Inc and is disturbed national by the Cardinal Publishing Group. Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot, is the story of how one bone in your foot could be the real reason for pains thru out your whole body. It is important because it offer the public new information about why millions of people suffer everyday with aches and pains, and offers new hope to get rid of problems they believed they would have to live with forever. It literally can be the “medical missing link”
Dr. Schuler, graduated from the N. Y. College of Podiatric Medicine in 1975 at the age of twenty-four, and has been in private practice ever since. In 1982, he published his first book, The Agony of De-Feet: A Podiatrist Guide to Foot Care. During his thirty-five year professional career, he has written for Collier’s Encyclopedia and various podiatric journals and publications. He has been interviewed by The New York Times, First in Women, and other publications. Dr. Schuler has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs both here and aboard. He is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management, and the National Board of Podiatric Examiners. Dr. Schuler is certified as a wound specialist from the American Academy of Wound Management. His professional and civic accomplishments have earned his inclusion in the 1999-2002 Who’s Who in America (Marquis).
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