Authored by Dr. Burton S. Schuler, Google+
Since 1970 when he decided to go into the profession of Podiatry, Dr. Burton S. Schuler, podiatrist, foot doctor of Panama City Fl, has bought textbooks and related books about the feet on a constant bases. Presently he has over 100 books the earliest from 1904.
Schuler says:
I own podiatry books written during every decade of the 20th century and I always learned something from them. Podiatry like other professions, has the bad habit of throwing out the old just because it is old. This is crazy but the books remind me what was good in the past, and why we should be using it now.
When I go to work tomorrow everything I will do in my office, as it has been for the past 38 years is based on what I learned in a 1935 book titled The Human Foot by Dr. Dudley Morton.
About 80-90% of the patients who walk into an office of a foot doctor tommrow will have the exact, specific , precise accurate problem that was written about by Dr. Morton 80 years. Yet, the modern podiatrist refuses to even acknowledge that.
Here is the list of the 100+ books in my personal library about the human foot and related subjects
- Subotnick, D.P.M., M.S., Steven I., Podiatric Sports Medicine ,Futura Publishing Co., Mount Kisko,NY 1975
- Kahler, Charles O. , Surgical Chiropody, privately printed for Dr.P. Kahler’s sons , New York 1904
- Copeland, Glenn D.P.M., The foot Doctor (lifetime relief for your aching feet) Canadian Cataloguing Publication , Toronto, Canada 1996
- Dickson, Frank D.,M.D.,F.A.C.S. and Diveley, Rex L. A.B., M.D., F.A.C.s, Functional Disorders of The Foot, Philadelphia, Montreal, London ,J.B. Lippincott Co.,1939
- Alumni and Associates, New York College of Podiatric Medicine, New York , 2004
- Stewart, Darlene L., M.S.,P.T. ,and Abelin, Susan H.,P.T.,A.R.M., Documenting Functional Outcomes in Physical Therapy, St. Louis, MO ,1993
- Desk Reference 1999-2000, The American Podiatric Medical Association, U.S.A., 1999
- Fischer, Andrew A., Pressure Threshold and Tolerance Meter, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
,Bronx NY, 1996
- Beneke, Everett Smith, PH.D, Human Mycoses, The Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, MI,
- McGann, Daniel M. D.P.M.,and Robinson,L.R., The Doctor’s Sore Foot Book, A Random House Co. ,Avenel, New Jersey, 1994
- Roberts, Elizabeth H., D.P.M., From Then To Now, New York College of Podiatric Medicine,1993
- McGlamry, E. Dalton D.P.M. ,D.Sc.(Hon.) Fundamentals of FOOT SURGERY, Williams and Wilkins Baltimore, MD 1987
- Neale, Donald and Adams, Isobel M. Common Foot Disorders: Diagnosis and Management ,III`Edition, Churchhill Livingstone, Edinburgh, London, Melbourne, and New York , 1989
- Hass, Fredrick J., M.D. and Dolan, Edward F. Jr, The Foot Book, The Henery Regnery Co., Chicago, Illinois 1973
- Brachman, Philip R. A.B., D.S.C., Mechanical Foot Therapy, The Leicht Press, Winona, Minn. 1946
- Brachman, Philip R., D.P.M.,B.A., SHOE THERAPY a scientific guide for better shoe fitting and shoe corrections, Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine Press, Chicago, Illinois 1979
- Zatouroff, Michael and Bouffler, Lillian, A Colour Atlas of THE FOOT In Clinical Diagnosis, Wolfe Publishing Ltd, Aylesbury, England 1992
- Augustine, Dr. Dennis F., The Foot care Revolution: How to walk away from a foot operation on your own two feet, Footnotes Unlimited Publications, Los Gatos, Ca 1980
- Weber, Gerald A. D.P.M., Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Volume 7/Number 1, W.B. Saunders company, Philadelphia, Pa 1990
- Fielding, Morton D., D.P.M., Gerbert, Joshua D.P.M.,M.S., Mercado, O.A.,D.P.M., and Sokoloff, Tilden H. D.P.M.,M.S., The Surgical Treatment of the Hallux-Abducto-Valgus and Allied Deformities, Futura Publishing Co. Mount Kisko, NY 1973
- Runting ,E. G. V. ,Practical Chiropody, Fifth Edition, Messers, Faber and Faber and the Headley brothers, Kingsway, London 1937
- Beeson, Paul B., M.D., and McDermott, Walsh, M.D. Text Book of Medicine : Thirteenth Edition volume 1, W.B. Saunders Corporation, Philadelphia, PA 1971
- Robbins, Stanley L. M.D., and Angell, Marcia M.D., Basic Pathology, W. B. Saunders Corporation, Philadelphia, PA 1971
- Weissman, Stephen D. D.P.M., Radiology of the Foot: Second Edition, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD 1989
- Yanker, Gary and Burton, Kathy, Walking Medicine; The lifetime guide to preventive & therapeutic exercise walking programs, Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co. USA 1990
- Shanks, S. Cochrane,C.B.E.,M.D.,F.R.C.P.,F.F.R, and Kerley, Peter ,C.V.O., C.B.E., M.D., F.F.R., D.M.R.E, A Text Book of V-Ray Diagnosis Volume 4, W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, PA 1971
- Gerbert, Joshua D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S., Lesser Forefoot Surgery, Data Trace Publishing Co., Brooklandville, MD 2009
- Zeir, Bennett G. M.D., Essentials of Internal Medicine in Clinical Podiatry, W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, PA 1990
- Birrer, Richard B. M.D.,FAAFP, FACP, Dellacorte, Michael P. D.P.M., FACFS, Grisafi, Patrick J. D.P.M., FACFS, Common Foot Problems in Primary care, Hanley & Belfus Inc. 1992
- Witkowski, Joseph A. M.D., F.A.C.P. and Lemont, Harvey D.P.M., A,S.C.P., Color Atlas of Cutaneous Disorders of the Lower Extremities, IGAKU-SHOIN, New York, New York 1993
- Inman, Verne T.,M.D., Ph.D., DuVries’ Surgery of the Foot Third Edition, the C.V. Mosby Co., Saint Louis, Missouri 1973
- Bloom, William M.D. and Fawcett, Don W. M.D.,A Textbook of Histology Ninth Edition, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA 1968
- Kestler, Jeffery l., Questioning Techniques and Tactics Second Edition, Clark, Boardman and Callaghan, Rochester, NY 1982
- Graham, john R. D.P.M., Journal of the American Podiatry Association Volume 66 Number 5, The official publication of the podiatry profession, Washington D.C. 1976
- Robbins, Jeffery M. D.P.M., DABPPH, DABPOPPM, Primary Podiatric Medicine, W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, PA 1994
- Berlin, Steven J. D.P.M., Soft Somatic Tumors of the Foot: Diagnosis and Surgical Management, Futura Publishing Company Inc. Mount Kisko, NY 1976
- Hymes, Leonard D.P.M., Forefoot Minimum Incision Surgery in Podiatric Medicine, Futura publishing Co. Inc. , Mount Kisko, NY 1977
- Gorman Jack B. D.P.M., and Plon, Margie D.P.M., Minimal Surgery and Laser Surgery in Podiatry, Jack B. Gorman All rights reserved, USA 1983
- Abramson, Carl Ph.D, McCarthy, Daniel J. D.P.M., Ph.D, and Rupp, Michael J. D.P.M., Infectious Diseases of the Lower Extremity, Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore, MD 1991
- Travell,Janet G. M.D., and Simons, David G. M.D., Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore, MD 1983
- Kite, Hiram J. M.D., The Clubfoot, Grune & Stratton , New York, NY 1964
- Abramson. David I. M.D. FACP, Circulatory Problems in Podiatry, S. Karger, Switzerland 1985
- Inman, Verne T. M.D. Ph.d, DuVrie’s Surgery of the Foot, The C.V. Mosby Co., Saint Louis, Missouri,1973
- Swanson, Margaret J. McKenzie, B. Litt, F. Ch. S., Textbook of CHIROPODY, The Williams and Wilkins Co, Baltimore, MD 1948
- Morton, Dudley J., The Human Foot; It’s Evolution, Physiology, and Functional Disorders, Columbia University Press, Morningside Heights, New York 1935
- Morton, Dudley J. M.D., Human Locomotion and Body Form; A study of gravity and man, The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, MD 1952
- Roven, Milton D., D.P.M., F.A.P., Non-Disabling Surgical rehabilitation Of the Forefoot, Warren H. Green, INC, St. Louis Missouri 1976
- Gross, Reuben H., M.cp ,and Burnett E.K., The practice of Podiatry, published by Harriman Printing Co, Inc, New York, NY 1933
- Lewin, Philip, M.D., F.A.C.S.,F.I.C.S., The Foot and Ankle; Their Injuries, Diseases, Deformities, and Disabilities, Fourth Edition, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, PA 1959
- Wu, Kent K. M.D., Surgery of the Foot, Lea and Febiger , Philadelphia, PA 1986
- McGlamery, E. Dalton D.P.M. D.sc, (Hon.), Fundamentals of Foot Surgery, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., 1987
- Scholl, Dr. William M., A Course in Podology, National School of Podology Chicago, Illinois 1932
- Weber, Gerald A. D.P.M., Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; Neurologic Disorders of the Lower Extremities I, Volume 6, Number 4, W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, PA 1989
- Hara, Ben D.P.M., Locke, Ray D.P.M. & Lowe, William D.P.M. and The American Coolege of Foot Surgeons, Complications in Foot Surgery; prevention and management, Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore, MD 1976
- Perrone, Michael A. D.P.M, Podiatric Nail and Bone Surgery with a Rotary Airmotor, American Dental Association, Springer Verlog, NY 1967
- Kaplan, Charles D.P.M., Natale, Peter, D., D.P.M. & Spilken, Terry K. D.P.M., Paddings and Strappings of the foot, Futura Publishing Co., Mount Kisko, NY 1982
- Kominsky, Stephen J. D.P.M., D.A.B.P.S., F.A.C.F.S, Medical and Surgical Management of the Diabetic Foot, Mosby St. Louis, Missouri 1994
- Giannestras, Nicholas J., M.D., Foot Disorders; Medical and Surgical Management, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, PA 1973
- Gerbert, Joshua, DPM, Sokoloff, Tilden H., DPM, Textbook of Bunion Surgery, Futura Publishing Co. Mount Kisko, NY 1981
- Jahass, Melvin H., M.D., Disorders of the Foot, Volume 2, W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia,PA 1982
- Griffen, James E., Ph.D, Karselis, Terence C., M.S., Physical Agents for Physical Therapists; Third Edition, Charles C. Thomas- Publications , Springfield, Illinois 1988
- Mccarthy Daniel J., D.P.M.,Ph.D, Montgomery Royal,M.D., Podiatric Dermatology, Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore, MD 1986
- Yale, Irving D.P.M..EdD. (Hon.), Podiatric Medicine, The Williams and Wilkens Co., Baltimore, MD 1974
- Butteworth, Roger BA, FPoda, MChs, SRCh, Dockery, Gary L., D.P.M., FACFS, A Colour Atlas and text of Forefoot Surgery, Wolfe Publishing Co., Aylesbury, England 1992
- Fielding, Morton D.,D.P.M., Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; a monograph series Volume 2, Futura Publishing Co. Mount Kisko, NY 1974
- Kominsky, Stephen J. D.P.M., D.A.B.P.S., F.A.C.F.A.S., The year book of Podiatric medicine and Surgery, Mosby, St. Louis, MO 1987
- “ “ 1988
- “ “ 1989
- “ “ 1990
- “ “ 1991
- “ “ 1992
- “ “ 1993
- “ “ 1994
- “ “ 1995
- “ “ 1996
- White, Dennis L., D.P.M., Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; Minimal Incision Surgery, Volume 8, Number 1, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA 1991
- Levine, Suzanne M., D.P.M., My feet Are Killing Me!, Fawcett Crest and Ballantine publishing 1987
- Klenerman, Leslie, ChM, FRCS,(ENG) FRCS (ED), The Foot and its Disorders Second Edition, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston, MA 1982
- Yale, Jeffery F., D.P.M., F.A.C.F.S., Yale’s Podiatric Medicine Third Edition, Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore, MD 1987
- Shestack, Robert , Ph.G.R.P., P.T.R, Third Edition Handbook of Physical Therapy,Springer Publishing Co., New York, NY 1977
- Higgins, Kevin R. DPM, Krych, Steven, DPM, Metatarsalgia, Lesser , Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Volume 7/ Number 4, W.B. Saunders Company Philadelphia, PA 1990
- Fast, Julius , You and Your Feet, St . Martin’s Press, New York, NY 1971
- Copeland, Glenn D.P.M. & Solomon, Stan, The Foot Book; Relief for Overused, Abused & Ailing Feet, John Wiley and Sons INC, U.S.A. 1992
- Kelikian, H. M.D., Hallux Valgus, Allied Deformities of the ForeFoot and Metatarsalgia, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA 1965
- Fielding, Morton D. D.P.M.,Skin Tumors of the Foot: Diagnosis and Treatment, Futura Publishing Company, Mount Kisko, NY 1974
- Ondo, William G., Restless Leg Syndrome ( RLS) Diagnosis and Treatment, Informa healthcare Inc., New York, NY 2008
- Giacalone, incent F. D.P.M. , Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; Pharmacology, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia , PA , Volume 9 number 2, April 1992
- Robbins, Jeffery M. D.P.M., Clinics is Podiatric Medicine and Surgery : Peripheral Vascular Disease in the Lower Extremity, W.B. Saunders Company , Philadelphia , PA ,Volume 9 ,Number 1 , January 1992
- Joseph, Warren S. D.P.M., Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; Infections In the lower Extremity W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia , PA , July 1990
- Adler, Ronald PhD, M.D. , Sofka, Carolyn M. M.D., Positano, Rock G. D.P.M.,MSs, MPH, Atlas Of Foot and Ankle Sonography, Lippincott Williams and Wilkens, Philadelphia, PA 2004
- Faris, Irwin MB, BS, MD, FRACS, Quesne, Pamela M. Le Dm, FRCP , Parkhouse, Nicholas DM , FRCS, The Management of the Diabetic Foot, Second Edition, Churchwell Livingston, New York, NY 1991
- Levin, Marvin E., M.D., O’Neal, Lawrence W. M.D., The Diabetic Foot , Second Edition , The C.V. Mosby Company, Saint Louis , MO 1977
- Kozak, George P. M.D., Hoar, Carl S. Jr. M.D., Rowbotham John L. M.D. , Wheelock Frank C. Jr., M.D. , Gibbons, Gary W. M.D., Campbell, David M.D., Management of the Diabetic Foot, W.B. Saunders Co , Philadelphia , PA 1984
- Brenner, marc A. D.P.M. , F.A.S.P.D., Management of the Diabetic Foot, Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore, MD 1987
- Sammarco, G. James M.D. F.A.C.S., The foot in Diabetes, lea and Febiger Philadelphia, Pa 1991
- Boulton, Andrew J. M. , Connor, Henry, Cavanagh, Peter R. , The Foot in Diabetes, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, West Sussex, England 1994
- Levin, Marvin E., M.D., O’Neal, Lawrence W. M.D., The Diabetic Foot , Fourth Edition, The C.V. Mosby Company, St. Louis , Mo 1988
- Kozak, George P. M.D., Campbell, David R. M.D., Frykberg, Robert G., DPM, MPH, Habershaw, Geoffrey M. D.P.M., Management of the Diabetic Foot , Second Edition , W.B. Saunders Company , Philadelphia, PA 1995
- Dyck, Peter James, M.D., Thomas P.K., M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P., Asbury, Arthur K., M.D., Porte, Daniel Jr. ,M.D., Diabetic Neuropathy, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, Pa 1987
- OlOff, Lawrence M. D.P.M., Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Lower Extremities, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, Pa 1994
- Travell, Janet G. M.D., Simons, David G., M.D., Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction : The Trigger Point Manual of The Lower Extremities, Volume 2, Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore , MD 1992
- Spilken, Terry L. DPM, Helpful hints for the Podiatrist, Podiatric Pearls, published by Physicians Continuing Education Corporation, U.S.A. 2003
- Jahass, Melvin H. M.D., Disorders Of the Foot ,Volume 1, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia , Pa 1982
- Roberts, Elizabeth H. D.P.M., On Your Feet, A practicing Podiatrist tells you how to maintain Foot Health and Comfort from Infancy to old Age. Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pa 1975
- Schuler, Dr. Burton S. D.P.M., the Agony of De-Feet, La Luz press Inc, La Luz, New Mexico 1982
- Schuler, Dr. Burton S. D.P.M., Why You really Hurt, it all Starts in the Foot, The la Luz Press INC, Panama City, Fl 2009
- Joseph, Warren , D.P.M., Handbook of Lower Extremity Infections. Churchill Livingston, New York,1990
- Weinstein, Frank DSC,Principles and Practice of Podiatry, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Tassone, John D.P.M. Diagnostic Ultrasound of the Foot and Ankle, Data Trace, Brooklandville Md. 2013