"Dr. Burton S. Schuler, Morton's Toe Expert"- Author of Why You Really Hurt, It All Starts In the Foot.

Tag Archives: Poststatic Dyskinesia



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Poststatic Dyskinesia or why your Heels Hurt when you get up

Patients in podiatry offices across America frequently complain of morning pain that is sharp and searing in the bottom of the heel–stretching to the arch of the foot.  This is not limited to the feet but can also cause pain in the back or neck when you first start to move around in the morning In fact, the medical term for heel pain, Poststatic Dyskinesia, www.footcare4u.com/category/foot-ailments-treatments/common-foot-ailments/bursitis/  means “pain after rest.”  It can also occur upon standing, after resting or sitting for a while, anytime during the day. Some patients state that they get this pain upon getting out of their car after driving for a while .

/Poststatic Dyskinesia is most commonly caused by a Plantar Fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a thick ligament made from fibrous connective tissue attached from the heel to the ball of the foot, extending into the base of the toes.  When the foot impacts the ground with each step, the foot flattens out, lengthening the foot. This action pulls on the plantar fascia, which stretches slightly and functions as a shock absorber.  The ligament’s tension is released when the heel comes off the ground.

When the plantar fascia stretches excessively, due to a variety of actions such as rigorous exercise, plantar fasciitis may develop. One cause of this is excessive pronation of the foot during walking and standing, which strains the plantar fascia. Panama City, Florida podiatrist Dr. Burton S. Schuler claims that excessive pronation can be caused by a short first metatarsal bone, also known as Morton’s Toe.  The foot does not absorb the shock of hitting the ground properly, resulting in strain on the plantar fascia.  This leads to plantar fasciitis and post-static dyskinesia

When a person rests their feet, such as overnight while sleeping, the plantar fascia is mending itself from the wear and tear of the day. Then with the first few steps in the morning, the plantar fascia becomes torn again. This is why Poststatic Dyskinesia tend is worse the first few steps in the morning or after rest when the feet are relaxed and free of strain.  This burden can be avoided if you have Morton’s Toe and decide to follow the simple treatment regimen of a toe pad that can lead to a pain-free morning 


In the 1920’s and 1930”s Dr. Dudley J. Morton of Yale Medical School and Columbia Medical School wrote that a problem with the 1st metatarsal bone, known as a Morton’s Toe could be the reason for most foot problems. Dr. Janet Travel, White House physician to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and Professor Emeritus of Medicine at George Washington University took this concept further by writing and teaching that the Morton’s Toe could cause pain all over your body. She wrote and taught for four decades that a Morton’s Toe could cause back, hip, knee, leg foot and ankles problems. She felt that the Morton’s Toe, was so important that at the age of 89 she made a video tape to teach other physicians about how to recognize it and how to treat it. 


Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts in the Foot, tells the story of two these famous physicians and their association with the common, but painful, medical condition known as the Morton’s Toe.  Millions of   people suffer everyday with chronic aches and pains from head to toe and don’t know why.  Many of them have lost all hope, and believe they will have to live with these pains for the rest of their lives. The book is significant because for the first time  in seventy years  the public is  made aware of the importance of the  Morton’s Toe, and the fact  that could be the real  unidentified reason  (the “medical missing link”)  for their  unending  torments. This book will also show how Morton’s Toe can also cause fibromyalgia, arthritis, sleep disturbances (RLS), temporomandibular joint pain, and numerous other problems through out the body The good news is that all of these problems can be treated with a simple pad that costs about two to three dollars. The bad news is  that in spite of the fact that two of the most famous doctors of the twentieth century were behind the Morton’s Toe, most modern day physicians are not aware of Morton’s Toe or of it ability of causing pain all over the body. This book took six years to research and write, but Dr. Schuler feels it was worth it because it should be able to help many people get out of pain. The book is disturbed national by the Cardinal Publishing Group. It will be translated to Greek this Year.